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من خلال اختيار خدمتنا لإجراء معالجة سطح المعادن، يمكنك الحصول على تشطيب حسب متطلباتك.

سيتواصل مهندسونا معك لفهم متطلباتك وإطلاعك على عملية المعالجة بالتفصيل.

من إنهاء المعدن في منطقة معينة من منتجك إلى تغطية السطح بالكامل، نحن هنا لتلبية احتياجاتك.

Surface Treatment Processes/Finishes We Offer

Right are some primary finishes we typically employ at Lead Machinery

Our team will schedule a proper discussion with you to understand your budget, production standards, design, and other key details.

Our priority is to provide high-quality customized coating at a budget-friendly rate.

We create a smooth, fine, aerodynamic metal finish to make the product design consistent with the original one.

Get a Consultation Now From Our Experts to Learn the Complete Process!

Anodizing surface treatment is used on non-ferrous metallic surfaces like magnesium and aluminum alloys.

By this process, you can boost the oxidation resistance of the surface of your material.

Such sheet metal finishes make your product hard, thermally conductive, and wear-resistant.

The primary benefit of this surface treatment is its aesthetic charm, enhanced by a variety of colors that elevate the material’s decorative appeal.

Before every treatment, you need to apply sand on the material surface through high-pressure spray and nozzles.

This process is effective in removing dust, burrs, rust, and other processed textures from your product.

We change the material and diameter of sand particles to customize surface texture.

Our sandblasting application aims to remove debris from the surface before applying the spray treatment of your choice. 

If you want to make the surface reflective, glossy, and aesthetic, get the optimum mirror-like metal polishing.

Such metal surface polishing refines and smoothens the texture of your product surface.

To achieve this, you need to be patient because a series of polishing steps is needed.

Every polishing step improves the aesthetic outlook of your material. 

You can also protect your metal and alloy through electroplating, in which one metal layer is applied to another alloy or metallic surface.

With the electroplating process through electrolysis, your surface will get stainless steel metal finishes.

As a result, you will have a product with increased conductivity, wear resistance, corrosion resistance, aesthetic outlook, and functionality by preventing oxidation. 

Plastic powder coating is also a metal surface treatment you can adopt to refine your product.

It uses static electricity to adsorb powder on the surface of your product. In this method, we melt the plastic powder and seal the powdered layer on the product’s surface.

Doing so improves the surface’s heat insulation, corrosion resistance, wear resistance, electric resistance, and slip resistance.

You can use this treatment to improve the ornamental look of objects. 

A tool called a tap is used to cut internal threads in the workpiece.


Metal surface treatment refers to a variety of processes that enhance the properties of metal surfaces. These treatments can improve corrosion resistance, wear resistance, adhesion, and aesthetic appearance. Common methods include: 1. **Coating**: Applying a layer of material (like paint, powder, or plating) to protect the metal. 2. **Anodizing**: An electrochemical process that increases the thickness of the natural oxide layer on the surface of metal parts, often used for aluminum. 3. **Galvanizing**: Coating steel or iron with a layer of zinc to prevent rusting. 4. **Passivation**: Treating the metal surface to remove free iron and enhance corrosion resistance, commonly used for stainless steel. 5. **Blasting**: Using abrasive materials to clean or texture the surface. 6. **Heat Treatment**: Altering the physical and sometimes chemical properties of a material through heating and cooling processes. These treatments are essential in various industries, including automotive, aerospace, and construction, to ensure durability and performance of metal components.

معالجة السطح هي تخصص يعزز الخصائص السطحية لمواد الركيزة مثل المكونات الإلكترونية والكهربائية والميكانيكية.

باستخدام طرق كيميائية وفيزيائية وميكانيكية مختلفة، يمكنك تغيير المظهر الفيزيائي للمنتج ومقاومته للتآكل ومقاومته للتآكل والتمزق.

إن إنهاء السطح مفيد أيضًا لتعديل سطح المادة وإعداد الطلاءات والتغطيات وطبقة التسرب لمنتجك.

يمكنك أيضًا إصلاح الأجزاء المستخدمة وزيادة عمر المنتج. اليوم، تعتبر معالجة السطح تقنية أساسية في هندسة التصنيع الأخضر.

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